Friday, May 1, 2009

Classic Preschool

A conversation between Noah and his buddy Ryan this week:

Ryan: Noah, you want to come over to my house tomorrow?
Noah: Uh....what country do you live in?
Ryan: Um ... November 17th.


TamBaum said...

Your children's comments always make me chuckle.

Jolie said...

too cute!

Cailean said...

Oh that is SO hilarious!!! I always laugh out loud at your children's quotations - keep 'em coming!!!

bendanielsfamily said...

that's hilarious!

The Perkins Family said...

Love it!

Jeannie said...

I saw your Facebook status say something about avoiding blogs for awhile and thought you must have one of your own. Lo and behold! I love keeping up with friends this way. Your kids are hilarious! It'll be fun to check in for more of their creative comments. Glad you all are well!