I know Tyler is still a young child. He's only seven - a mere 91 months on this earth. At times like this I attempt to release my frustrations by remembering the things I love about him. And at this moment I am pondering four particular endearments.
1. I love his fondness for telling strange and not-so-funny jokes. (Over and over and OVER again.)
2. I love his imagination and his curiosity about the world. His driving need to take things apart and look inside to examine how they work, which he calls "experiments."
3. I love that he is capable of abundant remorse. He gives the best apologies - so sincere and overdone it is impossible not to smile or roll your eyes.
4. I love that Tyler writes me love notes continuously. I have a steady supply of sweet letters and sticky notes around the house from him. He has filled notebooks full of hearts for me. Chance has never done that.
Moments in Time:
"It's not me, its my imagination." ~Tyler (age 4) after being told 87 times to stop jumping from the couch to the table
"Mom, Dad! You can't eat junkfood! Just leave it for the kids. We'll eat it." ~Tyler (age 6), when Chance and I were dieting
"I love you, Momma. I love you more than my video games." ~ Tyler (Age 7), yesterday
What a CUTE boy. Our oldest just turned 6 so I have no idea how hard it is at that age but I have an idea from our wiggly Primary kids in the CTR 7-8 class. They are so cute and just smart enough to purposefully give wrong answers and such. :)
I love this post! Thank you for reminding me that we are all in this together! :) They say it's the terrible two's - but honestly, the smarter they get, the more laughter we enjoy but the more tears we also endure! Ha!
Of your children I will probably always feel a slight sense of personal investment in Tyler, for I had a somewhat privileged vantage point for watching him arrive precipitously in your and Chance's lives and for seeing many of the changes he brought with him. Plus he changed my life too, for Tyler was what transformed you from my employee into my friend.
TVL, how touching to look at things that way. He really did change us all. And in good ways.
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