Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hot Weather Humor

During the last several weeks of summer, our babes have thrilled us with their wit and imagination. Here are a few recent samples:

Tyler: "Mom, I'm really starting to like reading books."
Noah: "I'm really starting to like finding money."

Noah: "Mom, do you know how cavemen eat applesauce? They throw it on the ground and eat it with their toes! ... I've been dreaming about being a caveman."
Emma: "I've been dreaming about lollipops."

Noah: "We can't go camping where there are bad animals. If there are bad animals then we have to bring our guns. And if we see police then we have to say: ' we're not bad guys, we're campers and we're hunting lions and tigers!'"

Tyler: "Mom, is there electricity in heaven?"
Michaelynn: "I don't know. I'm sure they have something."
Tyler: "I think I know what it is."
Michaelynn: "You do? What?"
Tyler: "Love."

Michaelynn: "We're going to Aidan's grandma's house."
Tyler: "Mom, are we allowed to go to other people's grandma's houses?"

Noah: "Dad, can I have a cinnamon roll?"
Chance: "Did you eat all your chicken?"
Noah: "No, my tummy only has room for cinnamon rolls. In my tummy there's an empty place in the shape of a cinnamon roll."

Noah: "Dad, am I silly in my pajamas?"
Chance: "Yes, Noah."
Noah: "I'll stop being silly when I'm 8."

"Oh, no. It looks like there's a maniac! See those sirens? That means they've caught a maniac." ~ Noah, upon seeing police lights ahead.


jjstringham said...

I think you have the funniest kids. :-D

Mel said...

That's all so funny! I was sitting here laughing out loud. I love the heaven and cinnamin roll ones best.

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

haha! That is hilarious! Emma told Tommy and I in church the other day "When I grow up I want to be a whale..." haha She's so cute!

Michaelynn said...

Ha! Jackie, she says stuff like that all the time! Its fun.

Cailean said...