Friday, October 2, 2009

Feeling Strange

Yesterday was Emma's first day of preschool. I dropped her off in front of the school where her teacher was waiting. I hugged her, she grabbed her teacher's hand, turned, smiled, waved at me and was gone. Then I drove home by myself and sobbed. I phoned Chance who reminded me that I would see her in less than three hours. A mother's heart doesn't listen to logic like that.

I'm not exactly sure what Emma did while she was there. She came home with strange tales of chocolate, visiting the nurse, climbing the "jungle bars" and riding the bus (which I know she didn't do). And she sang "If you're happy and you know it ..." about 27 times. She can't wait to return on Monday.

Emma: "Mom, I didn't even rip anything in my school today!"
Mom: "Oh, good. Did you like your teachers?"
Emma: "Yeah, they weren't mean!"
Mom: "What did you think of Mrs. Chambers?"
Emma: "She was adorable and she was so nice to me and was so proud of my coloring!"

I had a strange morning by myself. The house was quiet. I made some phone calls and checked my email without anyone demanding snacks or help dressing a doll. No one interrupted my shower or tried to climb in with me. My hair was not in a ponytail and I wore clean clothes that no one wiped their hands or face on. What is this new world I'm entering? And why do I miss my old one?


kim said...

I hope I get those feelings because right now it seems like the day will never come especially knowing that in 6 more months we will start fresh with a new child. I do love my little ones though. I am glad that she loves preschool. I hope Addie does next year!!

Darwin O-2-5 said...

I still remember how your world changed completely and immediately when Tyler arrived; how your feelings struggled to catch up to the realities of the change. So parenthood has done it to you again -- pushed you into a different world while your feelings still swirl around in the one you just left. Don't worry. And don't feel guilty or get overwhelmed now that the world of possibilities is beginning to pay you visits again. It's just life's gentle reminder that there's some diem out there; carpe it.

Jolie said...

I'm in your boat!

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

Emma seriously says the funniest stuff! I bet there's never a dull moment in your house with your 3 kids! lol