Thursday, October 1, 2009

Religion on the Bus

"Are you a 'Born-Again' Christian?"

That's what the school bus driver asked me this afternoon when Noah got off the bus today. It was the most unexpected thing for her to say. I don't usually label myself that way, but I knew that she was asking whether we were a religious and Christian family so I answered "yes". She went on to describe what an interesting little missionary my Noah is. Apparently he told her all about the Resurrection yesterday on the way home:

Noah: "When you die -- 'cuz people CAN die -- you get resurrected. You get a new body and get to live forever! But people who don't go to church don't know about it."

Thankfully, he's just about the last stop and there were not any other kids on the bus at the time. I would hate to get complaints from other parents regarding my 6 year-old's school bus proselyting! But I have to admit that I feel a sparkle of pride when I think about it.


kim said...

okay- that is so awesome! What a sweetie. If only we all had teh courage to to do that frequently. Cute!!

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

That's seriously so cool!

Ashley said...

What an awesome kid!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome.

Sarah said...

Doesn't that just make your heart swell? And you think, gosh, maybe something IS getting through to this kid after all! :) That same thing happened to me last year when Anna got off the bus. The bus driver asked if we were Mormon because Anna was telling her all about Nephi and the Brass plates. The bus driver had no idea what she was talking about and Anna said, "You know, from the Book of Mormon! Don't you have a Book of Mormon?" :)