Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Feminist Emma

Emma had her first actual dentist appointment today. We've been trying to get her into the chair for awhile. Our dental office recently added some new doctors - including a couple of female dentists. Apparently, Emma refuses to see a male dentist - (what a feminist!)

Emma has some interesting dental quirks. She only uses strawberry toothpaste because it is pink and tastes good. She refers to my mint toothpaste as "the spicy kind". And one of my favorite conversations about her teeth recently:

Emma: "Look! I have mountain teeth in the back!!!"

Mom: "Mountain teeth?" (oh, molars!)

Emma: "Yeah, do you see them? There are mountains on them!"

Mom: "What kind of teeth do you have in front?"

Emma: (thinking ...) "Hmmmm.....just squares."

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