Friday, October 16, 2009

What I do

I recently read my friend Jamie's latest blog post. A few months ago she had her 3rd child and I've noticed how much better she has handled her latest addition than I handled my 3rd baby. She recently opened up her own etsy shop and sells adorable little baby bundles. (She kind of makes me sick.) When Emma was born, my life was chaos for months. We lived in a hovel while our house was under construction. Seriously - a hovel. A two bedroom, one bath 500 sf hovel! Emma's "nursery" was in the living room/office. Every picture I have from back then has a pile of laundry in it because there was no laundry room. I'm completely serious - EVERY picture.

With Noah in Kindergarten and Emma in preschool most mornings, I have a few hours to myself. My friend Jamie has spent the last week doing home improvement projects on top of potty training, nursing/caring for a newborn and creating new baby things to sell online. And she's also done loads of canning recently. What have I been doing lately? Not home improvement, not sewing, not canning, not caring for an infant or potty training ... No, mostly I go shopping. By myself. Because I can. I suddenly can go anywhere I want and look at things I want to look at for nearly 3 hours. Its been over 7 years since I've been able to browse. But I need to stop. I can't afford this lifestyle!

So, I decided that I would be more like Jamie and create. There is this little project I've had in the back of my mind since last October. (Basically, I saw it at Pottery Barn Kids for $80 and decided I could make it myself.) I looked up the pictures for it again and started my design. Jamie inspired me! I am a new woman! My days will be productive!

And then I went shopping for project materials.


jjstringham said...

Ha! Isn't that how it is? "I'm not gonna shop. . . . but I need to go shopping first."

And I am by no means superwoman. I just keep myself busy, and try to ignore the screaming/crying/fighting while I'm doing it. And I usually have a couple hours when Ryan is at kindergarten and Allie is sleeping when I can sit Emily in front of the wii and just do ME stuff. And that canning? It was mainly my mom. If she weren't there it would not have gotten done.


Can't wait to see the completed project!

bendanielsfamily said...

great post. yeah i guess we're all jealous of jamie :) i long for the days of browsing....i have about 3 or 4 more years for that :) it will much deserved though :) i should start saving now :)

Jana said...

You're too funny Michaelynn! I'm with you - no canning or sewing or any well-intended projects getting done around here!
Good luck with the Pottery Barn project! You'll have to keep us posted on the progress and what it is.

Ashley said...

You're funny. I don't do any of those things either...I barely have time to do my dishes. I'm excited to see your project!

Sarah said...

Almost all my canning was done between the hours of 9 pm and midnight. It was exhausting. I'm with you! I have this blog that I like to browse now and then, but mostly I think it's some sort of self-punishment. The woman positively puts Martha Stewart to shame. I console myself by remembering that someday we'll all probably have too MUCH quiet on our hands. It's good to have no time -- I wouldn't have it any other way.