Monday, November 9, 2009

I am a Good Mother

Today was a day of affirmation.  I am a good mother.  I can prove it.  Two impartial people told me so today.

1. Mrs. Rizzo, Noah's Kindergarten teacher:
I phoned Mrs. Rizzo this afternoon about an upcoming field trip and we talked about Noah for a few minutes.  She expressed how much she enjoys him in class and praised me as a mother more than once.  I felt awesome.

2.  Lady at Fred Meyer's Playland:
I had to pick up groceries for dinner so Emma and Noah elected to hang out at Freddy's Playland this afternoon.  I signed them in and the lady gave them a quick rundown of the rules in her playland.  I went on my way and returned an hour later.  Playland lady praised me for a good 5 minutes about how well behaved both of them are.  And then she said ... "You're a good mother.  I can tell.  I've been doing this for a long time now, and I can always tell the good from the bad." 

Hmmmm....maybe I'm not doing everything wrong.


Sarah said...

By the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. I'll be the third to tell you, if you want! You're a GREAT mother! Who else would stay up until 1 AM making a thanksgiving hanging? only great mothers do that.

Cailean said...

You ARE!!! We are so hard on ourselves. A good mother is one with good intentions, even if we fall short sometimes because no one is perfect!!!! I am glad you recognized what you were meant to - you are a good mother :)